Hi, Thanks for coming in and checking the place out. When you get done, please, sign my guestbook.

Well, I have a girlfriend, she is the best person ever. Her name is Emily.

I live in ease tennessee.  I am the Oakdale 98-99 Chess Champion.  I am a student in TaeKwonDo.  I love to be outside.  He is a list of what I like.




THANKS for visiting!

        I want to say thanks to my mom, Chery Land, and My dad, Lewis Clayborne, My grandparents, Roy Bardill, Jack and Helen Gadis, Dan Clayborne, David, Rachel, Eva and Howard Clayborne, Jennifer, ashley, and Tim Olmstead, , Vickie Rogers, Josh, Randy, and Janice Bardill, and to all the last of my family, and a special thanks to my girlfriend, Emily Duff and her parents, Tony and Mary Duff. 
        Also thanks to Brandy Richardson, Jay Cromwell, Mrs. Ridge, Coach Yates, Coach Daughery, Ms. Langley, and her assistant, Ms Rogers, Ms Headrick, and Mr. Lynn
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